Capitalism with Conscience
Our CSR efforts are two-fold; we directly implement initiatives that build the social fabric of society into one which is strong, unified and compliant with teachings of Islam.
As our corporate success grows, so does our passion to give back to society. This has led us to set up a dedicated CSR unit with a detailed five year plan and well-planned program s, which also collaborates with all our operating companies in delivering innovative and beneficial initiatives targeted at raising social standards.
To name just a few of such initiatives, we work closely with the Human Resources Development Fund and do our part in the Saudization of our staff . The ARATCO for Training and Development in collaboration with Saudi Vocational Training Organization, trains people with special needs and helps rehabilitation of Saudi youngsters. All our subsidiaries work closely with charity establishments across the Kingdom to provide them with discounted prices and bonus services.
The objectives of our committee:
- Developing social relations that connect the group companies with the society.
- Adopting innovative projects that increase the social responsibility experiences.
- Establishing local, regional and international partnerships to support mutual programs.
- Embrace social responsibility as a core value.